Middle School Intramurals
We believe it is very important for our students to connect to something at the school. One of the ways for students to connect is to participate in our after-school intramural program. There are many activities available to students, and we encourage every student to join at least one intramural per year. Intramurals typically last for one trimester, so keep checking back for the updated listings of activities.
Click here to complete the online permission slip for intramural offerings. Students will not be allowed to participate if we do not have a permission slip on file. You only need to fill out this form if your child is participating in a NEW intramural. You do not need to fill this out if your child is continuing their intramural(s) from Tri 1.
The intramural program at Dallastown Area Middle School was established more than 30 years ago. It has grown over the years to include more than 25 sports, clubs, and activities. Intramural activities provide students with opportunities to interact with peers, work together in groups, and to develop physical and social skills.
Intramurals are supervised by district employees. Most intramural sponsors or supervisors are middle school teachers. All activities are held after school from 3:05 - 4:15 p.m. unless otherwise noted during sign-ups. Students should be picked up at 4:15 p.m. at the auditorium entrance. If students are not picked up by 4:50 p.m., they must ride the activity bus home. For more information about the activity bus, please Click Here..
Please note that intramural clubs and activities are announced to students in school throughout the year. The list is a tentative list of activities and may change periodically.
If you have questions about our intramural program, please email Mrs. Sciortino at [email protected].